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Our Members

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Kazia Rojewska  (Paluch)

Kazia Rojewsk...

Female 77

Sobótka PL

Bartosz Bober  (Bober)

Bartosz Bober ...

Male 42

Rzeszó... PL

Adam Fajkowski

Adam Fajkows...

Male 54

colches... GB

Michał Wiśniewski

Michał Wiśniew...

Male 39

Toruń PL

Izabela Połczyńska

Izabela Połczy...

Female 46

Swarze... PL

Jacek Armatys

Jacek Armatys...

Male 70

Boleala... PL

Zuzanna P.

Zuzanna P.

Female 39

toronto ON CA

Jaroslaw Ruda  (Ruda)

Jaroslaw Ruda...

Male 54

Aleksan... PL

Teresa Horvath Sandorne  (Figa)

Teresa Horvat...

Female 71

Budape... HU

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